In the last few years, we have been actively creating free content—both our own and foreign—to create a community. The works you see here are a sample of all this work and all the experience we have gained. Not only that, but this work has given us both monetary and intellectual satisfaction.

We continue to produce because we have to keep our minds busy so that the pandemic does not steal our dreams as it is taking the lives of loved ones. We keep walking with projects in our sights, because if we stop moving forward the joy leaves our eyes and there is nothing sadder than a colorless look.

Enjoy, and if you need it, contact us to produce your own podcasts. This smart investment will save you headaches, time, and money.

Escuela del podcast
Y Ese Be Ene
Territorio podcast
¿Cómo hacer un audiolibro?
El Escribidor
Crónicas de nada
Agenda Regional MIPYME
Las Guazap Stories de Claudia
Secreto a voces


Ya sea para proyectos personales o para eventos familiares, la producción de videos ha sido siempre una pasión para explorar porque es otra manera de contar una historia. Acá algunos ejemplos de lo que he creado a la fecha y los principales usos que le he dado a esta herramienta.